






发表于 2019-2-18 09:11:06 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Britain's National Cyber Security Centre has concluded that it can mitigate any risk posed by using equipment from Chinese telecommunications vendor Huawei Technologies in the country's 5G networks.

The NCSC's conclusion, reported by London's Financial Times on Sunday, was conveyed to the paper by two individuals said to be familiar with the agency's finding, said there were ways to limit the risks from using the company's gear in future ultra-fast networks.

The conclusion was characterised as a "serious blow" to ongoing American efforts to persuade European and other countries not to use Chinese equipment in 5G networks.

Huawei has set up a Cyber Security Evaluation Centre where its staff work alongside members of the NCSC to sort out any issues perceived as causing security issues for British networks. Each year, the CSEC's Oversight Board issues a report, outlining issues, if any.

Earlier this month, Ryan Ding, the head of Huawei's Carrier Business Group, wrote to Norman Lamb, the chair of the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, saying that the company would take between three and five years to fix security concerns identified in a report by the Oversight Board in 2018.

Last week, Robert Hannigan, the former head of Government Communications Headquarters, Britain's top spy agency, wrote in an op-ed in the FT that statements claiming that the use of any Chinese technology in any part of a 5G network represented an unacceptable risk were nonsense.

Hannigan said, in part that Western countries should accept that China would be a global tech power in the future and start managing the risk immediately, rather than pretend that the West could turn as blind eye to China's inevitable technological rise.

Sunday's report quoted one of the people it cited as saying the British conclusion would influence European decision-making given that the UK is part of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing partnership with the US that also includes Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

The US has been campaigning for at least the last two years to try and get countries that it considers allies not to use Huawei equipment in the rollout of 5G networks. Australia has bowed to these wishes, as has New Zealand.

As iTWire reported last Wednesday, US President Donald Trump was said to be ready to issue an executive order last week banning the use of telecommunications equipment from Chinese companies in American wireless networks.

The source told the newspaper: "Other nations can make the argument that if the British are confident of mitigation against national security threats then they can also reassure their publics and the US administration that they are acting in a prudent manner in continuing to allow their telecommunications service providers to use Chinese components as long as they take the kinds of precautions recommended by the British.”






发表于 2019-2-20 23:44:52 |只看该作者
  转网友: 近日全球最大的假新闻就是“英国认为华为设备风险可控”。周一《金融时报》首发,全世界主流媒体都发了“通稿”。周二这个假消息就被戳破:1)所谓“英国情报部门认为”只是一名前M16官员所称。2)英国首相府发言人正式辟谣,英国政府还在对华为安全审核。任正非有关加大英国投资谈话与这条假新闻同时出笼。


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