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[通信英文] Jokes [复制链接]



发表于 2004-7-13 11:48:00 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Deng Xiaoping Jokes.
***Deng Xiaoping Visit the US***

Deng Xiaoping is visiting the US. Tired of being shadowed by his entourage at all times, he decides to go for a walk on his own. This alarms his translators and bodyguards who fear that Mr. Deng will get into trouble since he does not speak any English. However, realizing that they cannot change his mind, they decide to at least prepare him in case he gets stopped by the police. "If you get stopped", they coached him, "they'll first ask for your surname and then they'll ask for your given name. Just tell them and everything will be fine". So Mr. Deng goes out and enjoys himself. A policeman recognizes him. Having heard that Mr. Deng prides himself in his knowledge of American history, he decides to start a conversation with an appropriate subject.

Policeman: Who was the first president of the U.S.?

Mr. Deng: Wo Xing Deng (我姓邓:My surname is Deng.)

Policeman: Yes, Washington. And what are you doing in the U.S.?

Mr. Deng: Xiaoping(小平)

Policeman: Ah, shopping. Very good. Have nice day!

***Deng Xiaoping Interviewed on Taiwan ****

Deng Xiaoping is giving an interview about Taiwan back in the late 90s. The interviewer wants to test Mr. Deng's knowledge of Taiwanese politics.

Interviewer: Who is the current president of Taiwan?

Mr. Deng is stumped so he decides to stall.

Mr. Deng: Deng huir (等会儿 Wait a minute)

The interviewer is surprised to hear Mr. Deng say the given name of Lee Teng-hui(李登辉) but he decides to continue.

Interviewer: And who should be the next President of Taiwan?

Mr. Deng: Suibian (随便, Whoever they want)

The interviewer is totally impressed by Mr. Deng's apparant familarity with Chen Sui-bian, the man who would indeed become President of Taiwan.

Note: These jokes are normalling told in Chinese for best effects.

Have a nice day.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-13 11:50:07编辑过]


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