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通信资料与标准下载 今日: 137|主题: 81891




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144 主题
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[通信英文] 思科OSPF学习经典文档[OSPF Database Explanation Guide] attachment 成电学子 2019-11-27 104763 韩冰来 2022-8-9 06:50
[通信英文] Intel 的5G Open RAN 及前传方案 attachment kingdavid99 2021-1-7 175287 chenlei0123 2022-8-4 14:43
[通信英文] Future OSS attachment neway9861 2022-6-9 41302 pers2011 2022-7-30 15:23
[通信英文] LTE物理层总结(强悍推荐) attachment  ...2 梦蝶之泪 2016-8-11 3211724 kirarinx 2022-7-29 09:39
[通信英文] ADI公司的 MIMO和beamforming的介绍性文章 attachment hoverdsp 2018-12-5 133423 lqqbbl 2022-7-25 22:40
[通信英文] SFF-8636 attachment  ...2 sunrise41 2018-2-9 207518 DDDDD-Decade 2022-7-15 16:20
[通信英文] GSMA 2021 全球移动通信市场报告 attachment qazsefvgy 2021-10-27 21480 abandongxu 2022-7-11 17:07
[通信英文] 求助:IEC60068-2-60 sunrise41 2015-9-22 22346 VICYOUYOU 2022-7-11 11:32
[通信英文] 中国移动研究院2030愿景与需求报告 attachment refresh123 2021-11-9 71764 czluoc 2022-6-27 11:30
[通信英文] High Speed Energy Efficient Incoherent Optical Wireless Communications attachment xbboy 2022-6-21 1904 MGSTT 2022-6-22 09:44
[通信英文] 【资料下载】LTE-A中MIMO技术的介绍 attachment czp19940223 2017-2-11 145775 zjfly2012 2022-6-5 10:36
[通信英文] Cisco Annual Internet Report (2018–2023) White Paper attachment fwx_2019 2020-12-1 114271 tongshidamn 2022-5-21 10:45
[通信英文] GTI 5G和云化机器人白皮书 attachment runtest 2022-2-14 21359 lengyuxi 2022-5-19 09:54
[通信英文] ETSI关于F5G的定义和应用场景(英文版) attachment 寒江雪_3929 2021-8-17 31692 浮云游子意 2022-4-13 07:17
[通信英文] IEEE802.3.AV attachment yyllxy 2017-3-17 165445 kwxsp 2022-3-31 12:08
[通信英文] 3GPP 36系列协议,希望对大家有用 attachment heatlevel  ...234 marinelick 2014-2-5 6339649 huxiaoguang813 2022-3-28 15:53
[通信英文] Wireless communications algorithmic techniques attachment tj2011zggz 2016-11-8 37497 dj3838 2022-3-17 05:34
[通信英文] Game Theory in Wireless and Communication Networks attachment zhangqi100 2016-6-24 79596 dj3838 2022-3-17 05:32
[通信英文] wireless communications algorithmic techniques ch4 attachment peekpeek 2020-5-30 32223 dj3838 2022-3-17 05:29
[通信英文] MEF标准——MEF9/MEF14 attachment agree  ...23 imarx 2011-2-12 5540334 GivaXia 2022-3-3 16:56
[通信英文] Understanding LTE with MATLAB attachment darrenruijie 2016-9-23 27910 浮云游子意 2022-2-26 13:57
[通信英文] 5g资料 attachment zzlzxa43 2021-7-22 102463 浮云游子意 2022-2-20 08:12
[通信英文] 2020最新英文书籍:When 5G Meets Industry 4.0 attachment HowardXue 2021-2-24 62431 dongzuoliwei 2022-2-18 23:52
[通信英文] 3GPP TS 04.08 V7.17.0,需要的请带走 attachment longyan993 2021-11-2 11224 style_tide135 2022-2-14 10:31
[通信英文] GR_910_光衰减器标准 attachment wang1213736 2016-11-23 188077 cao5787 2022-2-11 10:39
[通信英文] 稀疏傅里叶变换的经典论文 attachment xingozd 2016-3-24 42723 xingfu0197 2022-1-23 22:46
[通信英文] 5GPPP的标准化工作计划日程 attachment 孤棹天涯 2015-3-11 117671 smartgdh 2022-1-23 11:54
[通信英文] 英文缩写含义 attachment kingbo 2019-8-2 52861 luckyrich 2021-12-9 10:34
[通信英文] 一本很好的天线书籍 attachment heatlevel  ...23 zgy560 2015-1-7 5632057 wzerowx 2021-12-3 14:26
[通信英文] O-RAN Fronthaul test specification attachment homewang 2020-9-21 52573 20211203 2021-12-3 10:54
[通信英文] Omdia研究报告——Building_the_post_Covid_19_smart_home attachment 3bear 2021-12-2 1990 鹰悟 2021-12-2 22:13
[通信英文] 《电子信息与通信专业英语》赵淑清 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..13 cxdog 2011-2-17 252102463 横绝四海 2021-11-25 17:54
[通信英文] 自智网白皮书英文版AutonomousNetworks attachment ielgnohz 2021-11-22 21234 qkyh 2021-11-22 20:52
[通信英文] Smart Grid Telecommunications_ Fundamentals and Technologies in the 5G Era attachment 季岩冰 2021-11-17 1888 lxyan2003 2021-11-17 15:35
[通信英文] 经典LTE入门英文资料 attachment HW路人甲 2021-11-16 31205 xahongfei1 2021-11-16 15:52
[通信英文] 【分享】5G网络切片白皮书(英) attachment justforegister 2017-3-13 107943 itachiliuy 2021-11-11 15:12
[通信英文] 不莱梅大学-WLAN课件(英文) attachment digest agree  ...234 soloqx 2010-10-9 7931508 abc44860 2021-11-3 02:30
[通信英文] 5G无线技术演进白皮书 attachment yuan0551 2021-10-29 31533 edmonds 2021-11-2 20:16
[通信英文] 5G缩略词 attachment haxt2008 2021-8-27 11894 小小阿飞 2021-10-27 17:08
[通信英文] 移动通信术语英文缩写对照 attachment  ...23 hiamly 2011-3-22 4417651 wangyinjun1980 2021-10-23 10:56
[通信英文] 通信工程师英文资料 attachment  ...2 111qqq 2013-9-14 3322130 ronmoon 2021-10-13 00:08
[通信英文] AI和无线 attachment eaglechu 2021-9-15 12419 cnqq9999 2021-9-16 14:43
[通信英文] 光模块测试方案(英语) attachment  ...2 8882008 2011-5-10 2814683 peng988 2021-8-27 14:07
[通信英文] [分享]RFC793 attachment 282050426 2010-6-13 33817 Ljy1109 2021-8-23 10:56
[通信英文] 一本很好的关于MIMO的书籍——MIMO Wireless Communications attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 hebutly 2011-3-13 19497680 cunhuapan 2021-8-23 08:56
[通信英文] 【下载】互联网女皇趋势报告:我们的新世界(2020)英文原版 attachment luoyinjiangei 2020-10-23 93383 eConnection 2021-8-8 15:17
[通信英文] TR196数据模型 attachment luotieliang 2015-9-12 63144 lwb941214 2021-7-31 15:54
[通信英文] 3GPP-36331-9g0(SIB解析) attachment 八戒Cba 2016-10-12 38162 xiaoluoya 2021-7-26 23:58
[通信英文] 光模块SFP和SFP+的技术标准 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 wt01yn 2010-10-31 15188937 y5d4g84df 2021-7-20 20:46
[通信英文] 天线资料分享《麻省理工大学接收机天线和信号》 attachment fishoo 2016-11-10 87934 maishiheng 2021-7-20 13:47

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