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本帖最后由 IT看客 于 2021-2-26 17:47 编辑

港媒南华早报报道:Huawei Technologies’ chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou
[size=1.28571] [size=1.28571]has taken HSBC to court in Hong Kong to seek access to documents relating to her extradition case, days after the request was rejected by a London court.[size=1.28571]The application at the High Court of Hong Kong was filed in the name of Meng against HSBC, according to court papers. Meng, also known as Sabrina Meng, was detained by Canadian authorities in December 2018 at the request by the US Justice Department over claims that she had misled HSBC about Huawei’s business deals with Iran during a 2013 meeting. Meng, the daughter of Huawei’s founder Ren Zhengfei
, maintains her innocence, and has been fighting a legal battle to end her extradition to the US.

The HSBC documents sought by Meng include internal bank papers about its compliance evaluation relating to Huawei and Skycom Tech, the unit used by the Chinese telecommunications company in its business dealings with Iran from December 2012 to April 2015.

The documents are at the heart of Meng’s defence that she did not mislead HSBC about Huawei’s business dealings with Iran, and that the fraud allegations that form the basis of the US extradition request should be thrown out.

SBC’s spokespeople did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.

A judge in the United Kingdom ruled last week that HSBC has no obligation to make its internal documents available
-- 原案发地就是香港,管辖权非常确定。


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