







爱心徽章,06年为希望小学奉献爱心纪念徽章 家园05年十大网友 爱心徽章,07年为希望小学奉献爱心纪念徽章 爱心徽章,08年为希望小学奉献爱心纪念徽章 家园荣誉版主纪念徽章

发表于 2004-7-15 14:37:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
However,the girl's father does not like him and
want them to stop the relationship......
So, the boy wrote this letter to the little girl. You MUST read it
to the end. You'll find out why once you get to the ending.

1 "The great love that I have for you
2 is gone, and I find my dislike for you
3 grows every day. When I see you,
4 I do not even like your face;
5 the one thing that I want to do is to
6 look at other girls. I never wanted to
7 marry you. Our last conversation
8 was very boring and has not
9 made me look forward to seeing you again.
10 You think only of yourself
11 If we were married, I know that I would find
12 life very difficult, and I would have no
13 pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
14 to give, but it is not something that
15 I want to give to you. No one is more
16 foolish and selfish than you, and you are not
17 able to care for me and help
18 I sincerely want you to understand that
19 I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
20 if you think this the end. Do not try
21 to answer this. Your letters are full of
22 things that do not interest me. You have no
23 true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me,
24 I do not care for you. Please do not think that
25 I am still your boyfriend."

So bad right ?.....
However, the boy told the girl before to
"READ BETWEEN THE LINES", meaning only to
So... Please read it again!....it's so smart n sweet...
Interesting right??

After they get married 10 yrs.The boy becomes a common man and lived in Beijing.

Below it is his life photo.



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