






发表于 2004-12-4 17:27:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
1. [不妙] something is to pay
2. [眼中钉] a thorn in someone's flesh
3. [馋得流口水] make someone's mouth water
4. [胡说八道] shooting from the hip
5. [各奔东西] drift apart
6. [呕吐] shoot the cat
7. [打嗝] make a belch
8. [久等] cool one's heels
9. [各有利弊] cut both ways
10.[吃闭门羹] to a locked door
11.[哪儿都找了] look high and low

1. [敷衍搪塞] give someone the runaround
2. [哭穷] to poor-mouth
3. [白吃白喝]  a freeloader
4. [牵线搭桥] pull the strings
5.[甩掉]palm off
6. [得罪某人] get in Dutch with someone
7. [说别人的闲话] dish the dirt about…
8. [挂个电话] give a buzz
9. [榨干血汗] bleed one white
10.[写封信]  drop me a line

1.[崭新的] brand new
2. [太便宜了] be dirt cheap
3.[费事儿]  take a lot of doing
4.[知道底细]  have someone's number
5. [精品] the choicest goods
6.[了解一下情况] get the lay of the land
7.[掌上明珠] the apple of someone's eye
8. [让人恶心] turn one's stomach/make one sick
9. [惹麻烦了] be in a jam
10.[关系很好] be on good terms with

1. [跟别人要钱] mooch off someone
2. [钱挣海了] coin money
3. [钱多得花不完] have money to burn
4. [钱能生钱] Money begets money.
5. [没钱] be broke
6. [钱来之不易] Money doesn't grow on trees.
7. [敲竹杠] a clip joint
8. [生活很富裕] be well fixed
9. [吃了上顿没下顿〕 not know where the next meal comes
10.[发财] rake it in
11.[太宰人了] cost an arm and a leg

1. [大吵大闹] yell bloody murder
2. [很象] the spitting image of
3. [绝交信] Dear John
4. [不能轻信] take something with a grain of salt
5. [告发、检举] blow the whistle
6. [指控] charge somebody with
7. [刮目相看] Sit up and take notice
8. [挺不错的] be hunky-dory
9. [已经……了] be over
10.[断断续续] be off and on

1. [前途远大] have the world before one
2. [好险] a narrow squeak
3. [手气好] have the Midas touch
4. [走运] be on the gravy train
5. [让人给骗了] be ripped off
6. [不入虎穴,焉得虎子] Nothing venture, nothing have
7. [白费力气] plough the air
8. [命好] lead a charmed life
9. [遭殃、倒霉] get in the neck
10.[背黑锅] hold the bag

1. 活该 should have it coming on somebody
2. 犹豫不定 be of two minds
3. 心事重重 something weighs heavily on one's mind
4. 埋头苦干 keep one's nose to the grindstone
5. 心凉了半截 cool one's ardor
6. 使人大为激动 make one's spine tingle
7. 怀恨在心 bear somebody a grudge
8. 感到四肢无力 feel wobbly and rough
9. 受冷落 feel left out
10.不容易 no cinch

1. 偷懒耍滑头 goof-off
2. 大动肝火 be up in arms
3. 保持冷静 keep cool
4. 说话兜圈子 beat about the bush
5. 心怀叵测 have an ax to grind
6. 心术不正 not have one's heart in right place
7. 背后捅刀子 stab in the back
8. 说某人的坏话 badmouth somebody
9. 傻笑 grin like a Cheshire cat
10.厚着脸皮去干 have the gall to do

1. 海量 have a hollow leg
2. 不分上下 be neck and neck
3. 略胜一筹 be a notch above
4. 有头脑 be a brain
5. 很能干 to have a lot on the ball
6. 有名无实 a poor apology
7. 绞尽脑汁 to rack one's brain
8. 没骨气 have no guts
9. 真了不起 really something
10.昙花一现 a flash in the pan

1. 一根筋儿 one track-minded
2. 败家子 a black sheep
3. 他那号人 people of his sort
4. 无知的人 an ignoramus
5. 没有坏心眼的人 the salt of the earth
6. 出众的人 a lulu
7. 骗子 a phony
8. 两面派 two-faced
9. 难对付的人 a tartar/a hard nut to crack
10.大人物 a bigwig/a buzwig


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