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[通信英文] ETSI FTTR相關文件 attachment   abelhsu 2024-5-21 083 abelhsu 2024-5-21 15:18
[通信英文] Integration of Energy, Computation and Communication in 6G Cellular IoT attachment rikesu 2024-4-26 0298 rikesu 2024-4-26 16:20
[通信英文] TR-181协议英文版 attachment zmzmfa 2024-3-27 0426 zmzmfa 2024-3-27 16:13
[通信英文] TIA942B英文版 attachment sodomli 2024-3-20 1339 ganyipeng 2024-5-14 10:19
[通信英文] MIMO经典教材_Fundamentals of Wireless Communication attachment lijiamin11 2024-3-8 2470 julie20041011 2024-4-15 11:31
[通信英文] EN 300328 2.4G标准 attachment rayray_liuliu 2024-2-27 0117 rayray_liuliu 2024-2-27 15:44
[通信英文] 光纤自动化设备热缩 attachment Owen1997 2024-1-17 0389 Owen1997 2024-1-17 13:31
[通信英文] 5G America White paper - 3GPP Technology Trends attachment leeyountai 2024-1-12 2374 cuz 2024-5-18 16:34
[通信英文] GR326第四版 attachment ruliu126 2024-1-4 5502 skychen60 2024-4-26 17:05
[通信英文] IEC标准:Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performanc attachment qiyongheng 2023-12-26 1370 浮云游子意 2023-12-30 01:08
[通信英文] Approaching AI-native RANs through generalization and scalability of learning attachment 丽泽 2023-11-23 2265 浮云游子意 2024-2-4 08:59
[通信英文] 【下载】3GPP Highlights Issue 07 (2023年11月) attach_img Oishiimono 2023-11-23 2484 lxyan2003 2023-11-30 11:43
[通信英文] 【下载】3GPP Highlights Issue 06 (2023年5月) attach_img Oishiimono 2023-11-23 0504 Oishiimono 2023-11-23 10:41
[通信英文] xilinx cpri ip核文档 attachment zbigluck 2023-11-16 11424 zhl1991 2024-5-15 17:49
[通信英文] 有线、无线融合之路 attachment 15890098078 2023-11-15 1330 翼天剑 2023-11-16 10:50
[通信英文] 【下载】白宫:国家频谱战略(2023) attach_img Oishiimono 2023-11-14 0283 Oishiimono 2023-11-14 11:50
[通信英文] 开源FPGA NIC attachment yujia200805 2023-11-10 2274 浮云游子意 2023-11-11 09:03
[通信英文] GTI 5G Femto Technical RequirementsWhite Paper_v1.2 attachment fmrl 2023-11-8 0220 fmrl 2023-11-8 15:36
[通信英文] 【下载】GSMA:5G新通话 - 彻底改变通信服务格局(2023) attach_img Oishiimono 2023-11-4 191435 qcqcqc 2024-4-14 18:11
[通信英文] 多径衰落信道建模 attachment z1143519878 2023-10-11 7440 yuanqazw 2024-4-1 10:46
[通信英文] 信科光电产品目录 attachment Owen1997 2023-8-16 1187 ldy03280328 2023-8-17 09:41
[通信英文] 英文版-建筑防腐蚀工程施工质量验收标准 attachment office5555 2023-8-10 0240 office5555 2023-8-10 11:18
[通信英文] 5g fronthaul security attachment zsp1216 2023-7-31 1251 autumn96 2023-8-1 02:26
[通信英文] wifi_DFS attachment dirk_ding 2023-7-10 1259 autumn96 2023-7-11 02:25
[通信英文] 5G-NR-in-Bullets milanflourish 2023-6-22 1293 阿斗通 2023-6-22 10:30
[通信英文] 6G白皮书 attachment PasseraPlaid 2023-5-29 3409 muzixing8 2023-5-30 18:10
[通信英文] 最近发现一篇B5G的英文文章,感觉挺有意思的 attachment jamesandbob 2023-5-25 3421 王源 2023-6-14 16:42
[通信英文] 通信物理层安全保密-方向调制 attachment Noora77 2023-5-23 6448 qwe_a 2023-11-28 15:41
[通信英文] ORAN联盟认证规划技术白皮书 attachment zhqhe1988 2023-5-23 3479 qkyh 2023-5-23 19:03
[通信英文] Massive IoT Access for 6G attachment luyuan81 2023-5-21 3442 luyuan81 2023-5-28 15:14
[通信英文] 无线通信经典书籍 attachment 喜帖街 2023-4-12 13637 哄哄_6372 2023-8-24 18:09
[通信英文] 中国联通:2023年5G和5G-A确定性网络赋能垂直行业 attachment chenghao7 2023-4-3 72564 viecr 2024-2-19 11:14
[通信英文] Authenticated Network Time Synchronization attachment eaglechu 2023-3-23 32802 浮云游子意 2023-11-12 09:35
[通信英文] Omdia:FTTR打造未来数字家庭联接新体验 attachment benix 2023-3-14 61392 948652572 2023-3-18 10:57
[通信英文] Release 18 features attachment leeyountai 2023-1-30 2978 model08 2023-3-10 00:02
[通信英文] IEC 62443-3-3 工业通信网络 网络和系统安全part3-3 attachment sj_chen 2023-1-1 181175 1999-2023 2024-5-21 15:54
[通信英文] Design of a UE-specific Uplink Scheduler for Narrowband Internet-of-Things (NB-I attachment 一只孤独的蚂蚁 2022-12-6 1957 浮云游子意 2023-2-1 03:29
[通信英文] 5G名词介绍 attachment jwjun1986 2022-11-13 13869 风衣你真6 2024-1-19 10:23
[通信英文] 5G Mobile and Wireless Communications Technology attachment luyuan81 2022-10-19 3893 luyuan81 2023-3-30 23:45
[通信英文] ITU报告,Representative use cases and key network requirements for Network 2030 attachment chendaojin 2022-10-13 0890 chendaojin 2022-10-13 09:38
[通信英文] Recent Progress of Wavelength Selective Switch attachment shimmer2945 2022-9-23 4768 h66 2023-1-14 15:44
[通信英文] Understanding LTE with MATLAB书籍共享 attachment tinaxia 2022-7-11 21000 wbqhhxx 2022-9-3 13:56
[通信英文] High Speed Energy Efficient Incoherent Optical Wireless Communications attachment xbboy 2022-6-21 1976 MGSTT 2022-6-22 09:44
[通信英文] Future OSS attachment neway9861 2022-6-9 41354 pers2011 2022-7-30 15:23
[通信英文] 零功耗通信白皮书 attachment huangyp 2022-4-2 61745 ldy0328 2022-12-11 12:47
[通信英文] 欧盟的5G安全标准 attachment albertlee1024 2022-3-28 51545 h66 2023-1-21 17:41
[通信英文] 动态频谱共享 attachment XD量子实验室 2022-2-14 61850 fistandantilus 2024-3-5 11:19
[通信英文] GTI 5G和云化机器人白皮书 attachment runtest 2022-2-14 21426 lengyuxi 2022-5-19 09:54
[通信英文] SFF-8472 12.4 最新标准 attachment tc06 2022-1-24 51683 my33love 2024-3-12 20:38
[通信英文] URLLC前沿研究论文分享 attachment z1143519878 2022-1-18 21635 一只小信鸽 2022-11-23 15:57

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