






资料 (1777 人)


144 主题
451excel版 2024-04-24 08:39:25 泥瓦工
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[3G资料] [推荐]英文教材The cdma2000 ITU-R RTT Candidate Submission attachment yanbosong 2010-5-13 94923 xxxlll 2018-8-9 09:53
[3G资料] 附一份铁路公网施工安全交底内容 a270665698 2018-7-31 02613 a270665698 2018-7-31 18:13
[3G资料] 数据业务优化 unicom_fj 2015-10-19 23256 cooltp 2018-7-6 21:58
[3G资料] TD_LTE和LTE_FDD系统共存的干扰分析 attachment haijiao428 2011-4-19 58677 cooltp 2018-7-6 21:41
[3G资料] LTE MIMO能量效率 attachment lihsh3cf 2013-1-31 47959 cooltp 2018-7-6 21:37
[3G资料] LTE-Advanced中的载波聚合技术 attachment lihsh3cf 2013-1-31 104962 cooltp 2018-7-6 21:36
[3G资料] 急用!!!请教一下,有人用过Vehicom LTE Link Level Simulator 吗? attachment 黄金23 2012-9-27 148132 tao_2018 2018-7-5 22:04
[3G资料] LTE--UMTS长期演进理论与实践. attachment lihsh3cf 2013-1-30 45246 steel_pan 2018-7-5 15:13
[3G资料] 自动路测 attachment 吴晓燕19881104 2011-8-26 13541 zhongshengwen 2018-7-4 13:34
[3G资料] TD接力切换和硬切换对比分析 attachment 心中有佛 2010-9-28 65026 jerrylee123 2018-6-24 10:38
[3G资料] ZTE的TD中的VVIP功能开启 attachment sax819999 2013-3-28 96059 s38180913 2018-6-23 19:20
[3G资料] TD网优葵花宝典之ZTE信令跟踪工具使用指导篇 attachment zhang071 2012-9-1 75438 xiayujun518618 2018-6-19 18:30
[3G资料] 关于RSSI RSCP ISCP RTWP 的初步认识(含对比表) attachment agree  ...2 tomtuo 2009-12-23 3013141 景夏雪凉 2018-6-15 09:14
[3G资料] CDMA功率控制的MATLAB仿真 attachment  ...23456 tomtuo 2008-8-20 10774580 guo_zi 2018-6-12 21:36
[3G资料] WCDMA路测与分析 attachment agree  ...23 lfb001 2011-8-18 5123137 峰子510 2018-6-12 16:30
[3G资料] 华为RRU3606 CDMA远端射频模块单元安装指南 attachment supperwugang 2011-2-12 1513951 leijihao 2018-6-7 15:55
[3G资料] 天线下倾角计算器 attachment  ...23 htyjump 2010-11-26 5031661 xpf184079 2018-6-7 14:41
[3G资料] 爱立信网管操作系统步骤 attachment  ...2 shiguanghui007 2011-6-27 3213958 侵美灭日 2018-5-29 17:16
[3G资料] WCDMA测量事件上报 attachment funny2031 2016-5-30 13597 ACE332318311 2018-5-29 15:02
[3G资料] 3GPP_TD-SCDMA协议培训中文版 attachment  ...2 xiaopingmail 2012-10-28 2717163 xjb8280 2018-5-23 17:37
[3G资料] TD-SCDMA性能参数分册LCR4.1 attachment  ...2 cdma1xdj 2011-1-15 3013030 xxxffflll 2018-5-22 17:08
[3G资料] 新疆乌鲁木齐市WCDMA RAB接入失败问题分析报告-华为(2011-10-28) attachment tomtuo 2012-11-7 56144 yangdelili 2018-5-14 18:05
[3G资料] 3G TD-SCDMA重要参数 attachment bvbsapling 2015-12-30 38528 雷湘禹 2018-5-8 13:01
[3G资料] 爱立信LTE培训材料 attachment heatlevel  ...2345 bang509 2013-2-21 9131041 sailor888 2018-5-8 01:15
[3G资料] [下载][贴图]bsc6810的资料(华为) attachment zhangchuanwu 2010-4-26 137409 半瓶水 2018-5-7 17:27
[3G资料] 2010年6月份WCDMA技术平台优化指导-中兴 attachment tomtuo 2012-5-24 24036 yangdelili 2018-5-3 09:44
[3G资料] 小区宽带驻地网竣工资料模板-小区宽带驻地网监理资料模板 attachment  ...2 viv78 2013-12-12 2620677 YGSDR 2018-4-27 17:36
[3G资料] WCDMA无线网络规划与干扰理论分析 attachment  ...2345 tomtuo 2008-8-20 9248358 bob.xie 2018-4-23 11:34
[3G资料] [分享]3G频段划分情况 attachment twtwffhvk 2010-11-1 177115 pffan 2018-4-19 13:34
[3G资料] 经典LTE英文资料:3G Evolution HSPA and LTE for Mobile Broadband attachment  ...23456 tomtuo 2009-1-14 11356400 garfieldyang 2018-4-16 23:37
[3G资料] LTE-上行工控 attachment espresso730 2012-5-31 75569 z821741975 2018-4-10 10:14
[3G资料] 【ZTE】重庆联通WCDMA网络TOP小区处理经验总结 attachment digest agree  ...2 sundaodao 2012-5-16 2813743 yangdelili 2018-4-9 08:45
[3G资料] 经典TD书籍--TD-SCDMA移动通信系统 attachment agree  ...23456..23 tomtuo 2008-8-18 443144725 ranyh 2018-3-30 14:49
[3G资料] 扰码相关性自动核查 attachment shuangxi2000 2013-5-8 45049 linss211 2018-3-30 13:50
[3G资料] 华为TD-LTE设备介绍 attachment  ...23 cct138 2013-1-3 4526192 花菜小木偶 2018-3-26 14:04
[3G资料] TD网络中一些指标的优化方案案例 attachment hewei15 2013-3-25 14547 qq19941219 2018-3-26 09:04
[3G资料] 华为M2000话统指导书 attachment  ...2 chencosplay 2010-4-8 2011917 xi2277310 2018-3-26 07:04
[3G资料] CDMA-BSS BBU&RRU解决方案培训 20080409 attachment mvp610 2010-3-19 146642 xi2277310 2018-3-26 07:01
[3G资料] 华为3G培训课件 attachment  ...2 hejifang 2012-9-10 2611773 xi2277310 2018-3-26 04:51
[3G资料] 中国电信集团 CDMA 网络RSSI 异常问题排查指导手册-案例分册 attachment publicphone 2010-12-13 1210174 xi2277310 2018-3-26 04:47
[3G资料] 华为2G3G互操作 attachment agree JOKER22 2010-10-27 119548 xi2277310 2018-3-26 04:40
[3G资料] 华为LTE培训 attachment  ...2 火糖栗子 2013-1-15 3313641 xi2277310 2018-3-26 04:37
[3G资料] [下载]WCDMA维护资料 attachment agree nikian 2011-11-8 87804 xi2277310 2018-3-26 04:30
[3G资料] 【HW】WCDMA培训资料(完整-25章) attachment digest agree  ...23456..14 zoujlang 2009-4-8 279134867 dj457358306 2018-3-25 19:53
[3G资料] 影响宏站下挂直放站底噪处理流程. attachment xuhuayi000 2010-5-15 117094 liu446911704 2018-3-23 14:54
[3G资料] UMTS网规经典资料-Radio Network Planning and Optimisation for UMTS attachment agree dtkong 2011-9-27 44926 lindingjia 2018-3-20 22:47
[3G资料] 中兴B8300开通指导手册_局方版 attachment  ...2 ccjjhh 2011-4-22 3325983 yumshan001 2018-3-20 09:04
[3G资料] [下载]WCDMA资料:WCDMA-25331-中文版 attachment lizhicheng6591 2011-2-14 147579 郭金贵 2018-3-16 18:59
[3G资料] 基站接地系统 NEW Model attachment chunsky08 2018-3-16 03536 chunsky08 2018-3-16 17:34
[3G资料] 文明单位 attachment vipzq88 2018-3-14 03531 vipzq88 2018-3-14 22:05

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